Somewhere You’ve Never Been Before 

AN: This is a piece I wrote for an assignment – go somewhere you’ve never been before. The sun shines through shredded sky, night disappearing. From the decaying footpath, behind there are motors, in front there is splendour, to the left there are grandparents, to the right there are daffodils. The colossus reaches up into the sky and across for two miles, its younger sibling … Continue reading Somewhere You’ve Never Been Before 

Brownie Points: Girl Guides For (and Against) the World 

(As per, all names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved).  When I was 6, my nan showed me a picture of my mother from her childhood in Belgium. She was sat in formation with about 30 other girls, dressed in immaculate blue uniforms with white neckties, and a perfect scale model of the Taj Mahal between them. Later that evening, my … Continue reading Brownie Points: Girl Guides For (and Against) the World 

The Airplane Playlist 

Listening to music on a flight is an odd experience. It’s obviously the best choice for entertainment, especially if you don’t have a screen or a tray-table big enough for your laptop. But, the claustrophobic din of the engines and passengers doesn’t really disappear even when the music is playing. Noise-cancelling headphones are alright, but sometimes they make my head feel like it’s going to … Continue reading The Airplane Playlist 

FICTION: The Dragon and The Diamond 

On the last day of the month, the full moon shone high above the bleak black. Scurrying through the town’s smallest streets, Pi hastened his step, little legs now moving in a frenzy. Bloodfar unnerved him in the small hours. The pirate port possessed an eery habit of jumping out at you when you least expected it.  Vollis’s manor was not far, up the dirt … Continue reading FICTION: The Dragon and The Diamond 

Bring It On (2000) and the American Dream

The American Dream is an elusive concept.  The belief that anyone, from anywhere, can achieve greatness if they work hard for it is a bright one to build a nation on. You too can be rich beyond your wildest dreams, and you’ll do it all by yourself. Equality is enshrined and achievable, but it’s you who’s going to have to do the dirty work. It’s … Continue reading Bring It On (2000) and the American Dream

Songs of The World You’ve Probably Never Heard, But Definitely Need Two 

Welcome back for round two!  If you didn’t see the first instalment of these posts, you can check it out here. It’s pretty self explanatory, though. Basically, these are some songs I’ve found from around the world so if you want to expand your tastes or playlists, here’s twelve potentials for you to sample.  As always, no unhappy music here, and these songs are in … Continue reading Songs of The World You’ve Probably Never Heard, But Definitely Need Two 

Bratz: The Barbie of the Dissenter 

Barbie. The perfect woman.  She’s just your tall, lean, big booby girl next door. With her tanned but not too tanned white skin and flowing blonde locks, there isn’t any woman in the world who wouldn’t want to look like Miss Barbara Jean, right? She’s not just a picture of perfect looks however. With her undying commitment to capitalism she’s a great role model for … Continue reading Bratz: The Barbie of the Dissenter 

I’d Rather Be On Bardsey | Jon Gower in Writing 

AN: This is a profile I wrote about a lecturer on my creative writing MA. I wrote this after only having known him for 2 hours. No one else has supported me in my writing more than him. I’m loath to sell anything to anyone, but buy his books! They’re really fucking good.  The blue corridor is narrow and quiet, save for the faint droning … Continue reading I’d Rather Be On Bardsey | Jon Gower in Writing